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Al-Ibanah As-Sughra

Ibn Battah Al-Ukbari
Type: Print Book
Genre: Religion & Spirituality
Language: English, Arabic
Price: ₹800 + shipping
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This is the english translation of the book "Al-Ibanah As-Sughra" by Ibn Battah. Ibn Battah – rahimahullāh – verily clarified the reason for writing this book, and that is that when he saw the people of his time being far from the Sunnah and adhering to it, the spreading of innovations and considering it as something good, and them taking ignorant and misguiding people as lords and leaders in the religion, then all of this led him to writing a shortened book for them in which he reminded them about the Sunnah and adhering to it, and what the Salaf of the Ummah and the scholars of narration were upon, and warned them in it against the misguiding innovations and desires.

About the Author

Ibn Battah is a student of Abu Bakr Al-Ajurri and Ghulam Al-Khallal, among others.

Book Details

ISBN: 9798829389772
Publisher: Al-Aqeedah
Number of Pages: 296
Dimensions: 6.00"x9.00"
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Hard Cover (Case Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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Al-Ibanah As-Sughra

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