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Vanishing Kingdoms

An Improbably Journey from East to West
John Edakara
Type: Print Book
Genre: Biographies & Memoirs, History
Language: English
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From childhood in rural India, to priesthood, advanced studies in the US, and social services work in both nations—both in and out of robes—this memoir of life from the 1940s to the 1980s tells a thoughtful and fascinating personal story.

In the early 1930s in India, John Edakara was the first child born to a rural family in the southwest Kingdom of Travancore. His grandfather, father and uncles were farmers in the region, whose heritage traced back more than two centuries in service to a local royal family. There was no reason to expect John would soon live apart from his family, and follow a winding path to America. Yet forces of global economic and political crisis led to WWII, and set a course for his divergent life, when he was five-years-old.

John came of age in the aftermath of war, in a world of epic change. His family...

About the Author

Born in rural India before the 1947 partition, John Edakara joined the Jesuits in 1953 and completed studies in Classics, Humanities and Philosophy, before coming to the United States to study Engineering. Ordained as a Jesuit priest in Chicago in 1966, he pursued graduate studies in Social Welfare at UC Berkeley, and remained in California, working with abused and neglected children. He resigned from the priesthood in 1974 and continued his career working in social services on behalf of children, retiring after twenty-three years. He lives in the San Francisco Bay Area, enjoying correspondence and visits with family and friends from around the globe and frequent walks along the bayside nature trails.

Book Details

ISBN: 9781737450207
Publisher: Gallinas Books
Number of Pages: 208
Dimensions: 6"x9"
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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