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Mater Viventium Sacramentorum Caritatis (Mother of the Living Sacraments of Charity), Book 2

Joseph P. Michael, Th.D.
Type: Print Book
Genre: Religion & Spirituality, Theology
Language: English
Price: ₹900 + shipping
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This work tackles another Marian topic that was left unresolved at the conclusion of Second Vatican Council, namely, Mary’s mediation of the grace of the sacraments. This work is partly apologetic, partly catechetical but mostly theological. The inquiry also identifies departures from Catholic teaching by non-Catholic Christian denominations which may serve the interests of the Church’s efforts directed to Christian unity and Catholic evangelization. In a slight departure from accepted scholarly approaches to systematic theology, this investigation introduces the mystical revelations of the Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich and the Venerable Sister Mary of Agreda in support of the argument that Mary mediates the grace of the sacraments ex opere operantis, helping to make a person more disposed to the worthy reception of the sacraments of charity so they become living sacraments of love.

About the Authors

Joseph P. Michael holds two degrees in the applied sciences, two post-graduate degrees in Catholic theology and a doctorate (Th.D.) in Mariology, this following a long career as a business consultant serving the needs of the sick and elderly. In addition to his scholarly work, he is currently the Director of two Eucharistic Apostolates that serve the liturgical needs of Catholic parishes across the US and Canada.

Book Details

Publisher: En Route Books and Media, LLC
Number of Pages: 466
Dimensions: 6"x9"
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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Mater Viventium Sacramentorum Caritatis (Mother of the Living Sacraments of Charity), Book 2

Mater Viventium Sacramentorum Caritatis (Mother of the Living Sacraments of Charity), Book 2

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