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Nacho the Cat: He's one picky cat . . . (Color Edition)

Nacho the Cat: He's one picky cat . . . (Color Edition)

(4.50 out of 5)

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2 Customer Reviews

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Aitijhyawearstiara 2 years, 7 months ago

Adorable read

I totally love reading children's books and so I decided to pick this book up. The cover is so beautifully designed that it lured me to dive deeper into the book. This story revolves around a cat name Nacho who is a picky eater. He prefers only milk and kibble and considers all other food as gross. But things take a turning point when he visits a restaurant with his friends. A persuasive waitress brings about a change to his boring diet. Read on to find out what happens next.

The story is really interesting and kids will surely enjoy it. There are cute illustrations in between which made the book even more amazing. The language is very simple and can be easily comprehended by kids. It was an adorable reading experience.

I'd definitely recommend this book!

ShraddhaB 2 years, 8 months ago

Highly recommended for young readers

Nacho is the pickiest cat, but he eventually realises that some foods aren't so bad after all, if you're willing to try them. This irreverently hilarious and beautifully detailed illustration explores the entertaining and funny characters. I believe that many picky eaters will identify with cat. The story concludes with a fun surprise! This book exemplifies the adage "you never know what you like until you try it!" This is a motto I frequently use for myself and others around me. There is a wide variety of food that can be prepared in various ways for you to try. So you can never claim to dislike anything! This book accomplishes the goal of teaching our children while also entertaining them.