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Spiritual Musings of an Ordinary Seeker

Kishor Kulkarni
Type: Print Book
Genre: Religion & Spirituality
Language: English
Price: ₹199 + shipping
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So long as one is living a typical worldly life, one regards oneself to be at the centre of everything! That centre may be as small as the individual alone or may be larger to include one's family, friends, community, country etc. But the centre is still very much rooted in the physical world.

One's spiritual pursuit can be said to begin when one starts wondering about what could be beyond the physical world - before and after one's life in it. It makes one realise the futility of continuing with the physical world of objects as the central focus of all our activities. Spirituality is basically an attitude to life which is not based on the physical world. It can get formed only after one reads the philosophical thoughts of renowned spiritual thinkers, contemplates on the real purpose and nature of creation and internalises it.

A spiritual...

About the Author

The author was born and brought up in a fairly conservative brahmin family in a small town, living a typical god fearing life till his early youth. Later, he moved to the metropolitan city of Mumbai (India) to do his graduation in technology from Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, a premier technology institute in India. Through his career, he lived in many different places interacting with many different people of widely varying thinking. As such, by virtue of his education and profession, he must have changed significantly from a god fearing child and teenager to a “rational intellectual adult”, such as they come in the modern times! So, he never thought he would ever become a serious spiritual seeker.

In the year 2000, he stayed with his younger brother in Singapore for about 3 months, when he was on a short project assignment and his brother was a...

Book Details

Publisher: Kishor Kulkarni
Number of Pages: 96
Dimensions: 6"x9"
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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