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life- sharing experiences to rejuvenate
Type: Print Book
Genre: Self-Improvement, Religion & Spirituality
Language: English
Price: ₹625
Price: ₹625
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This is about management and spirituality explaining 360-degree view of the competitive landscape of today's world . A child born on this planet without any prejudice. These moments are very precious as he doesn’t know anything about life. No selfish interest, jealousy, stress, anxiety, fear, regret, anger, competitions or hard feelings. Truly, childhood is the real meaning of exuberance in life. Gradually as child grows and he is taught the tactics of survival in this world, he starts to explore to understand the real meaning of life in his day to day life. But is he ever able to come out from this complex chakrahvyuh of life, perhaps not. Gradually he becomes part of this rate race which gets denser and faster as days pass and he becomes helpless like Abhimanyu who was unfortunately not trained enough. He finds himself in such a situation where he is not able...

About the Author

Krishna Bhatnagar is an engineer & MBA , having passion for writing & Music. He is working in corporate world in Mumbai and sharing his experiences about management and spirituality in competitive landscape of todays world and how to rejuvenate life in all circumstances of Maya through this book. He believes to be a KARMA YOGI & serve on this planet by doing good deeds .He emphasis to be part of this BIG MAYA with positive attitude, patience, consciousness, transformation adaptability and exuberant approach. Giving reference of Bhagwad Geeta , he explains that It is easy to run away from your responsibilities to find peace but it is really difficult to accept and find that peace in the thick of market place. Lord Krishna is a perfect example . If you see his life cycle, he did everything being part of this MAYA.

Book Details

ISBN: 9781637541227
Publisher: aadyaaksh publications
Number of Pages: 378
Dimensions: 5"x8"
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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