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Cancer ka Shant Swaroop

The Other Face of Cancer
Manu Kothari, Lopa Mehta
Type: Print Book
Genre: Medicine & Science, Diet & Health
Language: Hindi
Price: ₹375 + shipping
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This book reveals the kind face of cancer. For several decades now, a cabal of cancer specialists, cancer societies and research centres has successfully nursed and sustained public fears about cancer. The search for cancer cures is -linked with so much business, profit and commerce that responsible journals are known to cure cancer every week even while cancer research in turn discovers newer and newer cancer-causing agents everyday: the list of cancerogens now stretches from smoking to sex and sunshine.

The first to prick this bubble of deceit were two brilliant professors of anatomy, Manu Kothari and Lopa Mehta, from Mumbai. Their iconoclastic discoveries, first published in 1973 in their 900 page work, The Nature of Cancer, are now available in a condensed form in the present book. “Cancer Ka Shant Swarup” (Translated from original The Other Face of Cancer) is bound to raise the hackles of those who profit from the continuing ignorance and hysteria over the disease. But with Nobel laureates like J.D. Watson and M. Burnet having openly spoken out against cancer research as being "scientifically bankrupt, therapeutically ineffective, and wasteful", it is about time, the truth is told.

This book challenges the reader to reevaluate long-held notions about cancer. The authors hold that cancer is not necessarily a "killer disease" and insist that often the best treatment for a cancerous condition may be to not treat it at all. Hindi version of the book is updated with the happenings of the cancer world till 2014. Cancer Ka Shant Swarup will provide wholesome guidance for all those who despair of the deadly toll that conventional cancer therapies (particularly chemotherapy and radiation) exact, and who wish to take their destinies more firmly in their hands.

Book Details

ISBN: 9781630417154
Publisher: Self Published
Number of Pages: 318
Dimensions: 5"x8"
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

Ratings & Reviews

Cancer ka Shant Swaroop

Cancer ka Shant Swaroop

(4.00 out of 5)

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1 Customer Review

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pappu 10 years, 7 months ago

Re: Cancer ka Shant Swaroop

This book challenges the reader to reevaluate long-held notions about cancer. The authors hold that cancer is not necessarily a "killer disease" and insist that often the best treatment for a cancerous condition may be to not treat it at all. Cancer Ka Shant Swarup will provide wholesome guidance for all those who despair of the deadly toll that conventional cancer therapies (particularly chemotherapy and radiation) exact, and who wish to take their destinies more firmly in their hands.

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