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Finding God In Christ
Maurice Paul Obonyo
Type: Print Book
Genre: Religion & Spirituality
Language: English
Price: ₹3,217 + shipping
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When I was called by the Lord to be a prophet, I did not know who a prophet was. I now understand who a prophet is and what his role is in the church. I learned how the kingdom of heaven is directly in control of what happens in the kingdom of darkness which consists of the heavens, the earth and hell and the kingdom of heaven which consists of heaven and the earth. The Lord has given me knowledge about what happens when a person becomes a disciple of the Lord and abides in obedience to Him. This book will lead you to explore both kingdoms and lead you to desire to become a citizen of the kingdom of God.

About the Author

I have a calling to go into the world and proclaim the second coming of the Lord Jesus. I have been in the Lord's presence for over three years now. He has commissioned me to teach and speak about His love for man. The Lord has enabled me to write nine books so far. I have a goal to write a particular number of books which the Lord has spoken to me about. The books I have written have come out of the Lord's presence. I have received a wealth of knowledge and understanding from God as I have been writing. I was a graphic designer by the time the Lord called me. He told me to stop whatever I was doing and do His will.

​When I was called by the Lord, I was confused as to why He was giving me prophetic messages. I asked myself: "Why...

Book Details

ISBN: 9781699264263
Number of Pages: 170
Dimensions: 5.5"x8.5"
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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