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An Entrepreneur's Diary

The 'how' for Those Who Want to Try
Mirza Yawar Baig
Type: Print Book
Genre: Business & Economics
Language: English
Price: ₹332 + shipping
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We are living in exciting times (2009). I am not sure if everyone will agree with my description of these times as 'exciting', but I know the entrepreneurs will. This book is for them. I have been an entrepreneur, formally (in the sense of owning my own business) for the past 26 years. I started while I was in a regular full time job and worked at learning and building a management consulting business for 12 years. This book is the result of a lot of questions that I have answered over the years. Today, as I look at the world around me, the landscape of the so-called global meltdown, I see opportunity. I believe that it is entrepreneurship that will solve this crisis. Entrepreneurs who are not afraid. Who refuse to recognize boundaries imposed by others. Who march boldly where others fear to tread. This book is about...

About the Author

Founder of YAWAR BAIG & ASSOCIATES. International Speaker, Author, Life Coach, Corporate Consultant. Yawar specializes in Family Business consulting. He shows business families how to grow, yet stay together, by drawing on his extensive consulting experience with both family businesses and multi-national corporations. Yawar is a life coach and mentor with clients in India, South Africa & Sri Lanka. In 32 years of training and consulting Yawar has taught more than 200,000 managers, administrators, teachers, technologists and clergy on 3 continents. He combines Eastern values with Western systems to transcend cultural boundaries. Yawar speaks five languages. He writes blogs, articles and books focusing on applying learning to create models of excellence in local communities.

Book Details

Number of Pages: 292
Dimensions: 5.5"x8.5"
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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