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An Organic Whole of All & Everything

An Organic Whole of All & Everything

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Dharmisthasuthar 7 years, 8 months ago

Re: An Organic Whole of All & Everything

We, in India are brought up with a different culture, and know the importance of spiritual evolution and enlightenment. We grow up listening many mythological stories.

But, in this technological world of today we want to know everything deeply – what, why and how of things. Only blind faith can't make us understand the true nature of things. This book is an answer to that for the real seekers. It is a path and a guide too. This is a rare.

With the sharpness of the Forth Way and Modern Science, the author has made the book very simple and clear. Synthesized ideas presented in the book widen one's perspective and understanding. This book itself is a whole; it can grow as consciousness in seeker. It can be your path-mate and a guide in your inner journey.

Hiren Zala 7 years, 8 months ago Verified Buyer

Re: An Organic Whole of All & Everything

I have just completed part - 3 of chapter-1 , am reading very slowly but steadily, I have already started experiencing relaxed state. I have started seeing this book as my redemption. I am seeing potential to reactivate myself in work once again as most of my current life and conditions in which I am in these days are covered already and where should I head also is present and that also in three parts only.