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How I Shot My Bears

Two Years' Tent Life in Kullu and Lahoul
Mrs. Richard Humphrey Tyacke
Type: Print Book
Genre: Reference, Travel
Language: English
Price: ₹599 + shipping
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This is a reformatted edition of the 1893 book How I Shot My Bears or Two Years' Tent Life in Kullu and Lahoul. You may find a digitized form of the original for free on the web.

Book Description

How I Shot My Bears is an account of the sporting adventures of a late-Victorian hunter, Mrs. R. H. Tyacke, in the Indian Himalayas. In the book she recounts her game hunting quests in the beautiful valleys of Kullu and Lahoul and gives an exquisite description of the region in the late nineteenth century.

About the Author

Mrs. Richard Humphrey Tyacke (born Isabella Edwards).

Book Details

ISBN: 9788193875841
Publisher: Tharah Kardu
Number of Pages: 223
Dimensions: 6.00"x9.00"
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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How I Shot My Bears

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