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Living the Vision of Oneness

Exploring realities and growing as an individual
Neema Majmudar, Surya Tahora
Type: Print Book
Genre: Self-Improvement, Religion & Spirituality
Language: English
Price: ₹695
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This book presents the Vision of Oneness founded on the profound and universal teachings of Indian Philosophy (Upanishads and Bhagavad Gita) with immense clarity.

It also provides a unique guide to initiate changes, re-orient and transform ourselves based on the vision of oneness by making us appreciate the presence of the all-pervading Intelligence that percolates every being and aspect in the universe. It demonstrates the nature of our connection with everything in the universe in such a striking and convincing way that we might wonder how we could have missed the presence of this all-pervading Intelligence earlier.

The authors go on to elaborate the manner in which the understanding of oneness can be incorporated in our daily life for:
making decisions
dealing with different situations
managing desires
establishing congenial relation with varieties of people
and managing constant changes.

To make certain philosophical concepts accessible for easy application, numerous real-life case studies are utilized

Living the Vision of Oneness is an indispensable guide for every individual who wants to redefine one's life to bring purpose, meaning and wisdom by being fully alive to what is.

About the Authors

Neema Majmudar and Surya Tahora have a unique combination of personal background, international exposure, education and depth of spiritual knowledge which makes them very inspiring writers and teachers.

They have both studied Indian Philosophy with Swami Dayananda Saraswati, a well known contemporary teacher of Advaita Vedanta (Non Duality) in the tradition of Adi Sankaracarya and a scholar in Sanskrit.

Neema has number of years of experience as a professional with the United Nations in field of economic and social development in New York,Thailand and Fiji. She has Masters Degree in International Affairs from Columbia University, New York and a MBA.

Surya has completed a Doctorate in Pharmaceutical Sciences for the Industry from Paris University and a MBA. He worked for several years in L’Oreal Group and Air France in international marketing and strategic planning both in Paris and Bangkok. He has also attended an intensive executive training program at Insead School of Management.

They combine their understanding of modern society with the knowledge of Indian Philosophy in a unique manner to impart a wisdom that is highly relevant in present day. From 2007, Neema and Surya have been giving conferences, conducting seminars and retreats across the world, both in English and French, in the domain of Personal Development and Philosophy. The seminars and retreats they conduct incorporate concepts of Indian Philosophy with Western Psychology, Ethics, Physics, Neurobiology and Management. These activities are aimed at guiding individuals and leaders of various organizations to be more objective, dynamic and compassionate in an increasingly interconnected and complex world.

For more information about their activities, please visit their website Discover Vedanta, Being alive to what is, which explains in a modern style the vision of the traditional teaching of Advaita Vedanta with numerous links to articles and videos of their talks.

Book Details

ISBN: 9791091916028
Publisher: Discover Vedanta Publications
Number of Pages: 362
Dimensions: 6"x9"
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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