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Type: Print Book
Genre: Religion & Spirituality
Language: English
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This edition of the book is printed in India, for sale in India only, and is same in all respects to the USA edition.

Upon opening this little book, the reader will immediately recognize that he or she is reading writings that are simultaneously deeply devotional and expressive of Self-Knowledge. This is Parabhakti, supreme devotion.

After some initial quotations from Sri Ramana Maharshi and Adi Sankaracarya, the first two chapters describe bhakti (devotion). The third chapter describes the experience of the bhakta (devotee). The fourth and fifth chapters explain the continuous absorption in devotion to God and Guru. The sixth chapter describes the practices, activities, and attitudes of the bhakta. The seventh chapter describes absorption, through bhakti, in jnana (Knowledge). The entire book is very aphoristic in style, yet it fully, precisely explains all aspects of non-dualistic devotion.

The second part of Parabhakti consists of verses of devotional praise fused with the knowledge of Advaita Vedanta. They are addressed to Lord Siva and “the One like space,” and speak of inquiry and grace.

If a spiritual seeker practices pure, egoless jnana, bhakti is unavoidable. If a seeker practices pure, ego-less bhakti, jnana is surely inevitable. The glorious heights of devotion and knowledge are revealed here in this little book, and we are assured that the identical experience and realization are available to all. If the contents of this profound book are deeply meditated upon, the reader will experience the sweetness and the vastness of parabhakti.

East and West Series Review:
"Through his writings in this little book, Nome shares with us the wealth of Bhakti Yoga and Jnana Yoga, which together go to form Parabhakti."

About the Author

Nome, a sage who practiced self-inquiry for steady abidance in Self-Realization, is a spiritual teacher at Society of Abidance in Truth, known by the acronym SAT, which established and maintains a temple for Nondual Self-Knowledge in California. Nome teaches Advaita Vedanta, especially as is contained in the teachings of Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi. These teachings are those found in traditional Advaita Vedanta as expounded by Adi Sankaracharya, Ribhu, and the Upanishads. Nome is a teacher of this spiritual knowledge, an author of the same, and a translator of Vedanta texts.

Book Details

ISBN: 9781947154049
Publisher: Society of Abidance in Truth
Number of Pages: 73
Dimensions: 5.00"x7.25"
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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