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Dad Means Dad The Unexplored Hero

Pradip Kumar Ray
Type: Print Book
Genre: Children, Parenting & Families
Language: English
Price: ₹486 + shipping
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Father! The word evokes a mixture of emotions in our minds. A bit of fear, a bit of love, some disagreements, and a lot of trust. Whenever we misbehave, we plead with our mothers not to tell our fathers. Yet, when daughters move to their in-laws' house after marriage, it is the father who hides in a dark room, holding back his tears. When sons get an opportunity to research in America, it is the father's head that swells with pride at the office.

God knows that just as a mother is vital for a child, another person is equally important to take care of both the mother and child. Hence, He sent fathers to the world. Fathers dedicate their entire lives to their children, though they might not be celebrated like mothers. While maternal praise is universal, paternal praise is often overlooked, and fathers do not expect it either. A father's love might not always be expressive, but no father ever fails in his duties towards his children.
Fathers are exceptional nurturers, caretakers, and silent providers. They are like a cool, shade-giving tree, offering shelter, fruit, fuel, wood, and the oxygen needed for life. Similarly, fathers provide the necessary support, essentials, and the confidence to hold one’s head high in society. Fathers are specialized, whether mine or someone else's.

The story also reflects on the often-overlooked contributions of fathers. While mothers carry their children for nine months, fathers shoulder responsibilities for 25 years. Despite equal efforts, fathers receive less recognition. Mothers run the household without pay, and fathers spend their earnings on the household. Both efforts are equal, yet fathers lag in acknowledgment. Mothers fulfil culinary desires, and fathers buy whatever is wanted. Their love is equal, but a mother's love is often considered superior. Children often seek their mothers first for comfort and cry out for them in pain, while fathers are remembered mainly for providing needs. Fathers might feel hurt by this, yet their recognition remains minimal. Fathers often have fewer clothes and ignore their own needs, whereas wardrobes are filled with colourful sarees and clothes for the children. Mothers have many gold ornaments, but fathers typically only have a wedding ring. Mothers might still complain about having fewer ornaments, while fathers remain silent. Fathers work hard their entire lives for their families, but they receive less recognition. Mothers might ask for a saree while budgeting for college tuition, whereas fathers do not think about new clothes for themselves. In old age, mothers are considered useful for household chores, but fathers are often labelled useless. Fathers are compared to the backbone of a family, crucial yet positioned at the back, which might explain why they are often behind in recognition.

Despite fathers being essential to the family's structure and functioning, they consistently receive less recognition than mothers. These stories can help change our perspectives and enrich society with humane qualities.

The author's personal insights and efforts towards raising awareness about the role of fathers are commendable. These insights are born out of a deep understanding and appreciation of the often-overlooked contributions of fathers. The author's dedication to this cause reflects a genuine desire to bring about positive change and recognition. It is through such efforts that we can hope to achieve a more balanced and inclusive appreciation of both parental roles.

About the Author

Pradip Kumar Ray

THE AUTHOR RETIRED from his banking service after many years of service. At the time of retirement, the author was posted as Chief Manager (Offing) at the Purshura Branch of SBI. At SBI, he worked in various functions such as Branch Manager, HR Manager, System Manager, etc. At that time, the author’s hobby was to discover different magic and write different articles. His first book, “Prerana”, was published in 2013. Already several articles written by him have been published in several widely publicized newspapers and magazines. In the case of Magic, Bio data with the author’s illustrations was published in the Magicians’ World Directory.

The author’s educational qualifications are BSc (Honours in Physics), MSc (Computer Science), Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Applications (PGDCA), Cisco Certified Network Associates-Global (CCNA), Certified Associate of Indian Institute of Banking (CAIIB). He has also done various certification courses such as photo, video and audio editing, animation, hardware; cobble programming, “Praggya” Hindi courses, Certificate Course from IRDAI etc.

Upon retirement, the author also partnered with different Academies as an expert instructor in “Banking” and engages on his YouTube channel, Facebook page, website, blog, stock photography, various articles, publishing his own book and more. More than 100 books have already been published which were written by the author and available at different national and international online outlets.

Book Details

ISBN: 9798227016621
Number of Pages: 120
Dimensions: 5.5"x8.5"
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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