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Scrolls of Health: Exploring Ancient Medical Manuscripts

Pradip Kumar Ray
Type: Print Book
Genre: Medicine & Science, Education & Language
Language: English
Price: ₹396 + shipping
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The Book titled 'Scrolls of Health: Exploring Ancient Medical Manuscripts'" serves as a roadmap for readers delving into the rich tapestry of ancient medical practices and the manuscripts that document them. This outline is designed to guide enthusiasts of ancient medicine, treatment methods, and healthcare through the intricate layers of knowledge that these texts provide. Each section aims to highlight the significance of these manuscripts while showcasing the evolution of medical thought across different cultures and epochs.

The introduction will set the stage by discussing the importance of ancient medical manuscripts in understanding the foundations of modern medicine. It will provide context for the study of historical healthcare practices, emphasizing how these texts not only reflect the medical knowledge of their time but also reveal the cultural beliefs and societal values that shaped them. The introduction will also briefly outline the criteria used for selecting specific manuscripts, ensuring that readers appreciate the careful consideration behind the choices made in this exploration.

Following the introduction, the first major section will delve into the notable ancient civilizations that contributed to medical knowledge. This segment will cover the Egyptians, Greeks, Chinese, and Indians, highlighting their unique approaches to health and healing. Each subsection will include discussions on key figures, such as Hippocrates in Greece and Charaka in India, and their influential texts. The aim is to juxtapose their methods and philosophies, underscoring how these ancient scholars laid the groundwork for future medical practices.

The next section will focus on specific ancient manuscripts, providing detailed analyses of texts such as the Ebers Papyrus, the Hippocratic Corpus, and the Huangdi Neijing. Each manuscript will be examined for its content, historical significance, and impact on subsequent medical practices. This analysis will not only highlight the medical treatments and herbal remedies detailed within these texts but will also touch on their philosophical underpinnings, offering insights into the holistic approach to health that was prevalent in ancient times.

The final section will address the relevance of these ancient texts in contemporary healthcare. It will explore how modern practitioners and researchers can draw upon the wisdom found within these manuscripts to inform current medical practices and holistic health approaches. This segment will also consider the ongoing interest in alternative and traditional medicine, encouraging readers to reflect on how ancient knowledge can coexist with modern scientific advancements. By concluding with this perspective, the outline reinforces the continuity of medical knowledge across time and emphasizes the importance of preserving and studying these ancient texts.

About the Author

he author retired from his banking service after many years of service. At the time of retirement, the author was posted as Chief Manager (Offing) at the Purshura Branch of SBI. At SBI, he worked in various functions such as Branch Manager, HR Manager, System Manager, etc. At that time, the author’s hobby was to discover different magic and write different articles. His first book, “Prerana”, was published in 2013. Already several articles written by him have been published in several widely publicized newspapers and magazines. In the case of Magic, Bio data with the author’s illustrations was published in the Magicians’ World Directory.

The author’s educational qualifications are BSc (Honours in Physics), MSc (Computer Science), Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Applications (PGDCA), Cisco Certified Network Associates-Global (CCNA), Certified Associate of Indian Institute of Banking (CAIIB). He has also done various certification courses such as photo, video and audio editing, animation, hardware; cobble programming, “Praggya” Hindi courses, Certificate Course from IRDAI etc.

Upon retirement, the author also partnered with different Academies as an expert instructor in “Banking” and engages on his YouTube channel, Facebook page, website, blog, stock photography, various articles, publishing his own book and more. More than 110 books have already been published which were written by the author and available at different national and international online outlets.

Book Details

ISBN: 9798227755667
Number of Pages: 117
Dimensions: 5.5"x8.5"
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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Scrolls of Health: Exploring Ancient Medical Manuscripts

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