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The Journey of a Teenager & a Young Adult
Pranali Gupte
Type: Print Book
Genre: Literature & Fiction, Teens
Language: English
Price: ₹200 + shipping
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Ever felt these mixed emotions where your life seems a contradiction?
Most probably, yes! Every young person goes through these emotions on a daily basis and if you relate to these emotions, this BOOK IS DEFINITELY WRITTEN FOR YOU!

Embark on this interesting journey of a teenager 'Emerald' and a young adult 'Tisha', who are trying to find and discover themselves, and you never know, you might find and discover your own self along the way.

This is a roller-coaster journey of these 2 individuals - full of emotions, full of surprises and full of familiarity. Find out who you relate with the most and join Emerald and Tisha in their journey and be a part of their life.

About the Author

A human who always have had a corner in her heart reserved for writing books and stories. The author always had this story, this journey, this book in her heart and that’s where the journey of her writing began. One fine day, she decided to publish the book to everyone who would love to read it. P.S. This is the author's first book and a very special person reading this bio at the moment is a stranger who is no longer a stranger to the author. Thanks for reading!

Book Details

Publisher: Pranali Gupte
Number of Pages: 65
Dimensions: 5"x8"
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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