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Kundalini science- a spiritual psychology- book 2

A spiritual psychology, book~2
Premyogi vajra
Type: Print Book
Genre: Religion & Spirituality, Science Fiction & Fantasy
Language: English
Price: ₹260 + shipping
Price: ₹260 + shipping
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This book is second part (book-2) of the Kundalini science series. Its first part and third part (book-3) are also available. It is the compiled form of blog-posts. Those posts are written by Premyogi vajra, a mystic yogi. He is enlightened as well as he has his kundalini awakened. These all posts are related to kundalini. One post corresponds to one chapter. Premyogi vajra is writing about Kundalini since 3 years ago, when his kundalini awakened after one year long continued kundalini yoga meditation. He became amazed on seeing that nowhere Kundalini had been mentioned or described completely. Even Kundalini had not been defined properly. He searched and read many kundalini awakening experiences, but he found none as genuine and complete. Although he found Samadhi as mentioned in Patanjali Yoga Sutras as equivalent to Kundalini, but that was described in a mystic and ancient way that was difficult to...

About the Author

Premayogi Vajra was born in the year 1975 in a small village in the beautiful basket valley of Himachal Pradesh, India. He is naturally fond of writing, philosophy, spirituality, yoga, public service, applied science and tourism. He has also done commendable work in the field of animal husbandry and veterinary medicine. He is also fond of polyhouse farming, organic farming, scientific and water conserving irrigation, rainwater harvesting, kitchen gardening, cow farming, vermicomposting, website development, self-publishing, music (especially flute playing) and singing. He has also written close to ten books on almost all these subjects, whose descriptions are available on Amazone Author Central, Author Page, Premyogi vajra. The description of these books is also available on his personal website He had also been a Vedic priest for a short period of time, when he performed religious rituals in people's homes with the help of his Vedic priestly grandfather. He...

Book Details

Number of Pages: 210
Dimensions: 6.00"x9.00"
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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Kundalini science- a spiritual psychology- book 2

Kundalini science- a spiritual psychology- book 2

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