The eighteenth century stands as a transformative period in
Indian history, marked by profound political upheaval, social
transformation, and cultural evolution that fundamentally
shaped the lives of women across the subcontinent. This era,
spanning from the twilight of the Mughal Empire to the
emergence of British colonial power, witnessed both the
deepening entrenchment of patriarchal structures and the subtle
stirrings of social reform that would later challenge these very
foundations. The investigation of women's status during this
pivotal century reveals not merely a catalog of restrictions and
limitations but provides profound insights into the fundamental
organization of Indian society, its values, and its mechanisms
of social control and cultural reproduction.
Prof Bhup Singh gaur is JNU Alumini, Head, Department of Sociology, D. G. C, Gurugram, Haryana, He is Former President NWISA (North West sociological Association)and First Charter Member of NWISA, Convenor RC-21, Political Sociology, Indian Sociological Society, Editor Newsletter (2018-2023), Elected Vice President (2023-2027) TG-03,Human Rights and Global Justice,International Sociological Association He is organising three sessions, Program Cordinator for TG-03, ISA, He is enlisted as Co -chair, Penalist, Discusstant in 5Th orld Forum of Sociology to be held at Rabat Morocco in 2025. He has organised more then thirty international,national Conferences,Workshops ,Symposiums and also organised,chaired sessions in World Congress of Sociology, World Forum of Sociology, World Women Congress and delivered key Note Address,Valedictory Address,Presidential Address,Plenary ,Guest lectures and also invited as a Resource Person in many International and National Conferences, Workshops ,Symposiums and Training.
Jyoti is presently working as an Extension lecturer in the Department of Economics at Dronacharya Govt college, Gurugram governed by DGHE Haryana. She has seven years of teaching experience at UG and PG colleges in Haryana. She is competent in her field and expert in guiding her students. Over the years, she presented many research papers in national and international seminar and conferences held at different colleges and university in india. She has published numerous articles in national and international jounals. Her specialisation is Agricultural Economics, International Economics, Economic of Women Empowerment