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AryanSarath 5 years, 10 months ago

An inspiring read

Brahmahatya in Sanskrit translates to "the act of killing a Brahmin. Well, the story is based on this theme. Firstly, I liked the cover as it very much correlates with the novel and after finished reading it, I was not surprised that it made it to the "Finals of 2017 Self Published Books Awards".

Author has touched upon the sensitive issue - Religion and he has drawn references from Bhagawad Gita and few other Hindu spiritual references which has blended with the characters/story in a perfect manner. These references were used in such a way that, you end up learning more than you would have ever thought.

The story revolves around a caring son - Ravi Narasimhan. Though he was working overseas, all the time, his thoughts were tied to his ailing father.He did his level best to keep him happy but when it was about to get him admitted in the hospital, things takes a different turn. He gets to see the real world which is demanding and selfish. In order to keep him in the safe hands, he tries to get him admitted in the elder care home called GMR but his admission gets refused.

Eventually, he had to feel contended in getting him admitted in "Blessings", a not so renowned elder care home where his father passes away. It is then, he decides to impersonate his father.

Why did Ravi decide to impersonate his father?
Did he manage to do it?
Was the mission accomplished in the end?

Read this novel which is no less than a thriller. Though it is a bit slow, the references sourced from the Hindu scripts and the way in which this novel is penned would keep you captivated till the end.

Chitra_iyer 6 years, 9 months ago

A one of a kind read.

Brahmahatya by Rajiv Mittal is a book based on the ideologies of a Brahmin and the resultant outcomes of the same. The title is a Sanskrit word, meaning ‘the act of killing of a Brahmin’. This is not a murder mystery but an intense, revenge story and if you don’t know it already, I am all in for a good vengeful tale any time!

Ravi Narasimhan works in Dubai and is called to his hometown in Chennai when his father falls ill. Without any family members around for help, Ravi is unable to leave him by himself and hence decides to admit his father in a retirement home. Due to some reasons (that I do not want to disclose here), his father doesn’t get the admission and when he expires, Ravi finds a way to avenge his death. The son plays the father and plans the ultimate revenge meticulously, but fate has other things planned for him.

Brahmahatya is a unique book in many ways. In the beginning, I was curious to see where the story would lead me to. As I proceeded, I kept wondering what was going to happen and although later on I thought I had guessed the end, thankfully, it wasn’t so! The end was dramatic and totally unexpected, loved it!

I never had one dull moment while reading the book. There are snippets from the Mahabharata and other holy scriptures within the story that correlate and support the current events. After I was done, for a while I just paused and thought about the book in its entirety, it definitely leaves an impact on you.

I say this again, Brahmahatya is a pleasantly different book and the main reason is the writing style of the author. The narrative flows smoothly and because one becomes aware of the protagonist’s intention, the reader is pulled along the hypnotizing narrative. Also, to be mentioned is the fact that the author had done an amazing job of interpreting the Sanskrit shlokas and the creation of the right Tamilian atmosphere, done perfectly!

Truly, a one of a kind read and definitely recommended.

Dagny 6 years, 9 months ago

Re: Brahmahatya

Complicated yet integrated characters, a skilfully created sequence of inevitable events and a thick suspense plentifully fed by a revengeful, murderous intent, Brahmahatya has it all.

To make the novel additionally delectable, there is the generous inclusion of local flavor. This, I said to myself, is an Indian story written in English. The language does not mess with the ethos, which is exactly how it should be.

The mental outlook of the people who walk the pages of the story must all be in perfect sync with the setting of the story. The match creates a seamless sense of authenticity and congruence which adds greatly to the reading experience. They makes the characters believable. You might almost have met them; been them yourself.

There is no dearth of that congruence and authenticity in Brahmahatya. In fact, it is brimming with both those ingredients.

The atmosphere one grows up in- the thoughts and biases; the influences and words- come together to create a composite character. While it is true that humans are capable of being marvelously and heartbreakingly fragmented, the fragmentation is an exception.

In a novel, if such a fragmentation is included as part of the landscape, it must be deliberately documented and justified. Else you just end up having a Japanese character- brought up Japan as a typical Japanese- thinking, choosing and acting as a European character. That is pretty annoying because the character in unbelievable.

The characters of Brahmahayta match the setting and period in which they live. They are authentically Indian with a natural and consistent Indian mindset, conditioned by the scriptural inputs that most Indians grow up with.

The characters are robust. They are good; they are bad and they are all shades in between- just as real people are. They are passionate and capable of deep emotions. Despite a clear murderous intent on the part of the protagonist Ravi, or of Bhavna, one doesn’t censure them. On the contrary, one sympathizes and understands. The story hangs well, with no incongruous twists or gaping holes gumming up the works.

I enjoyed the structure of the story too. The suspense was managed very well. The climax flowed naturally. An obscure grey was skilfully infused at the right time to deepen the reading pleasure. Thankfully, there were no dangling ends.

Of course, a puritan would demand that something specific (and satisfyingly horrible) were done with Reddy. However I am willing to forgo that bit of pleasure because the rest was satisfying enough.

The mathematical prowess of the child Laxmi was a delightfully unexpected touch.

I did find the story a tad confusing in the initial few pages. That could have been better worked out, perhaps.

The inclusion of Sanskrit scriptural verses was a delight. Their use helped explain the motivation of the characters and brought their priorities to light in a very concise manner instead of having to resort to long-winded explanations. As you read, you realized that the characters were being true to themselves- given their thought processes. They had to do the things they did. They couldn't have done things differently.

The language flowed clear, deep and pretty flawless. It helped me to stay focused on the unfolding events without tripping over bad constructs and poor language.

The only thing that bothered me, however, is the blame that was ascribed to Dr Chari. That was not believable. A doctor cannot be blamed entirely for the death of a patient he refused to admit. Of course, the pettiness of the reason does make the refusal completely unfair. Dr Chari can be accused of callousness and moral decrepitude, not murder!

My rating for the book is 4.7/5.0.