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A Gang of Five

A Gang of Five

(1.50 out of 5)

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2 Customer Reviews

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chinki 14 years, 3 months ago

Re: A Gang of Five

New Life: A very interesting story which advances with a smooth pace,though it gets preachy in parts.The metaphors used are very appropriate and interesting.The image of the mother is very carefully drawn,which i like.Overall,its an unusual mode of presenting a familiar plot.

As for the poems,all i can say(without exaggeration) is I haven't read such great story poems! My personal favorite is Tara.It has a peculiar rhythm about it that makes it enigmatic.I loved it.

Looking forward to many others.....

muse 14 years, 4 months ago

Re: A Gang of Five

Having read his earlier masterpieces: '9Lives...' and 'Mainak and I' , I am a tad disappointed with 'A Gang...' ..The 'storyteller' makes a better poet.!
I particularly liked 'The Tower'.
'New life' tends to get lost as it meanders through the author's observation and the storyline, at times the contrast is too stark and the link between the two seems missing.
The insights into the human psyche, Sabarna's strongpoint, amply demonstarted in his previous writings, are phenomenal yet again.
The story starts on a high note , the first few pages are engaging, well written and then the angst peters down to an abrupt ending ...the reader is left hanging loose...akin to a film which lacks editing and a good connect between the scenes.
The poems tell engaging stories replete with insights and keen observations from life.
The 'hand' on the cover is spooky though the background landscape is evocative.