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Diabetes and the Eleven Mighty Laws

Use the 11 Universal Laws to Navigate Through Your Life with Diabetes and Reach Greater Health and Happiness
Salih Valjevac
Type: Print Book
Genre: Diet & Health
Language: English
Price: ₹444 + shipping
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The Secret to a Healthier and Happier Life with Diabetes

Only around 1 in 16 people with diabetes lives a healthy life without developing complications. In contrast, the big majority, close to 94% of all people with diabetes, struggles.

Have you ever wondered why?

Among people with diabetes from the same socioeconomic class, living in the same neighborhood, having the same doctor and access to the same therapy… you can always find the majority that suffers, and only a few that live healthy and happy lives.

What makes the difference?

Consciously or unconsciously, those rare “lucky” individuals have been obeying and using the Eleven Mighty Laws to nurture and grow their health and happiness.

You Can Do the Same!

Read this book and learn how!

What You Can Expect from the Book?

This is not just another diabetes book, so please do not expect from this book the same...

Book Details

ISBN: 9781796977349
Publisher: Salih Valjevac
Number of Pages: 300
Dimensions: 5.99"x9.02"
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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Diabetes and the Eleven Mighty Laws

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