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Vinutha 14 years, 4 months ago


Shades - Like the cover , the book also offers a refreshing perspective .

I picked up the book with a lot of enthu -factor within me and the book seems to have offered more than just that !

In life we are always countered by many tight-situations that challenge the go-getter in us.

The key to feeling and staying empowered comes with the ability to make decisions effectively inspite of burn-outs in life . That is the essence of the book !

Crisp , mature and refined .

The concept of the book revolves around perception , how we tend to look at life and how we could churn things to our satisfaction .

The style of writing is the main highlight of the book . The concept is presented to the reader in the most endearing manner with catch-phrases , apt examples , real life scenarios and characters that amplify our understanding .

With superb emphasis , the author has cleverly managed to let the readers think on the open lines that makes it more engaging.

If 92 - page- riveting read is what you are looking for , then consider it granted !
Go ahead and flip through !

Vinutha N