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Education Tracker

Swaminathan Kathiresan
Type: Print Book
Genre: Education & Language
Language: English
Price: ₹390 + shipping
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Education tracker is a simple book for students to capture the complete education details of their student life. The book can record the details of their academic life from first grade to twelfth grade and also their college life!
The book is used to note down the grades or marks secured in their academic life, awards, achievements and recognition received, extra-curricular activities and learning, schools attended with their years, exam roll numbers, competitions and events taken part, leaves taken, important contacts and calendars to note down important events in their student life. All the aspects of their student life are covered under the various sections in this book. This will help users to consolidate all the education information in one place!

The book is divided into the following sections:
1 ) Schools attended
2 ) Marks or grades
3 ) Extra curricular activities and learning
4 ) Awards, recognition received
5 ) Leaves taken
6 ) Notes
7 ) Contacts and
8 ) Calendars
9 ) Examples

Schools Attended: The first section is the schools attended section where users can note down the name, address, year and grade details of the various schools they have attended

Marks or Grades: The second section is marks or grades section, where users can note down the marks or grades secured in each grade of their student life. Initially, the parents can fill the book for their kids when they are young and later the students can fill the book themselves. Mention the Academic year and the grade name at the top and then start recording the grades. The subject headings are blank so that users can fill them with the respective subject names. Mention the month name and then start recording the grades or marks secured in that month.

Extra curricular activities and learning: In this section, users can note down the details of their extra-curricular activities like college debates, sports competitions, music contests, music lessons, dance lessons, learning instruments, summer camps, painting and drawing lessons, computer courses etc.

Awards and recognition: In this section, users can note down the prizes, awards and recognition they win in sports competitions, college contests, quizzes, dance events, tournaments etc.

Leaves taken: In this section, users can note down the date, reason and other details of leaves taken during their school life.

Contacts: Users can note down the phone numbers and contact details of teachers, schools, training centres, colleges etc. in this section.

Notes: There is a notes section where users can note down any other info related to their school activities and education.

Calendars: This section has twenty yearly calendars without any week days mentioned. This will enable the users to use the calendars for any year. They can mention the year name at the top and give a name for the calendar like important events, awards and recognition etc. Fill the calendar index with the calendar names for easy navigation. The yearly calendars can be used to note down the important events in that year, awards and recognition received, competitions taken part, entrance exams, college interviews, learning courses etc.

This tracker can be used to capture the entire education details for all the students and thus enable them to record all the important information regarding their education in one place. Users can thus access and retrieve the information whenever they need and also understand and manage their education better!

About the Author

Born in Chennai into a middle-class family, the author has worked in the IT industry for twenty years. The hectic pace of the modern life and the life changing experiences that come with it, gave him a unique perspective to life. With a lot of his priorities changed, and with a new vision, he took to writing to share his thoughts.

He published his first book Whiteboard: Thoughts and Quotes which is a collection of wonderful quotes from people from all walks of life. In recent times, the importance given to materialism has reached enormous proportions and we are producing more and more hollow human beings. Through his book, the author wanted to lay a proper foundation for the man-making process so that we can create better human beings and a better world!

After the success of Whiteboard, the author wanted to develop a simple tool for students which can enable them to capture all the information of their academic life and their achievements, in one book. He came up with the idea of an Education tracker book which can record information from all facets of student life. This simple book can consolidate all the information of their student life in a single book and thus enable them to record and retrieve crucial information whenever they need it! This book is a must have book for all the students to keep track of their entire education journey!

Book Details

ISBN: 9798895410547
Number of Pages: 116
Dimensions: 8.27"x11.69"
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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