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In the long history of humanity, devastations have come in different eras, different forms and names. The mythological pralaya (lord krishna floating on peepul leaf - àalilai, resuscitated humanity and the universe), deluge(Noah’s ark coming to the rescue), volcanic Vesuvius which spelt the last days of pompei, London plague, Bengal famine, Hitler's holocaust, quakes ln Agadir and Quetta, Spanish flu, tsunami to name a few. Some we have heard of, some we have read about and some we have seen like the tsunami. All these, excepting pralaya and the deluge, were location specific. All the same, hurtful and bad enough. Why it has made even a nondescript and a nonentity in the field of writing, like yours truly, to indulge in indiscriminate writing. Not knowing what to call it(like how a work was called erehwon - reverse of nowhere) I had to name this collection of write ups “(c)ovid”,...
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