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Type: Print Book
Genre: Self-Improvement
Language: English
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The book Unaware focuses on the mental statuses of the human beings of the world of the twenty first century. It establishes that the people of the world of today are equal to the primitive human beings in application of brains and visions. They are billion times backward in mentality and personality than what the higher people like scientists, ministers etc think. 99 percent of the human beings are so poor in sense, knowledge and faculty that they just the replicas of the beasts though they are educated and live in the age of science and technology. Their heads are empty and nothing can be introduced in them as they are also deafest and dullest for ever. The book shows what the lower people think, say and do to visualize their minds.

About the Author

Tarak Miah was born on 10th November, 1988 in Manullapara village of Assam, India. It was a most backward village of India in connectivity. His parents were illiterate and poorest. They hated schools and educations most. Tarak is second among the siblings. All the four siblings of him are illiterate. Tarak passed Intermediate in Science in 2010 and writes about the minds of the human beings since 2013.

Book Details

ISBN: 9789386526434
Publisher: Tarak Miah
Number of Pages: 1008
Dimensions: 7"x9"
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Hard Cover (Case Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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