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B.I.T - Bit by Bit

B.I.T - Bit by Bit

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harsh deep 7 years, 7 months ago

Re: B.I.T - Bit by Bit

truly an amazing work sir!
one who is living or have ever lived in hostel can easily co-relate himor herself with this finest works of triloki sir.

Varsha Nagpal 8 years, 8 months ago

B.I.T - Bit by Bit- an interesting must read

"B I T bit by bit" is a very interesting book which tells us in a very riveting manner the times of the 1960's in an Engineering College hostel. It is the story of a young 17 year old who stays in a hostel to study for his Engineering degree and to carve a future for himself. The description of the hostel life in the 60's could perhaps be the same even in the present times, in spite of 50 years having since elapsed. Even today a 17 year old young boy/girl leaves his/her home and embarks on a journey where he/she is amongst strangers, with different food habits, and after 4/5 years he/she emerges out as a young person ready to take on the world. In this book the experiences of the young boy have been written in a conversational manner which can be identified by almost everyone who has lived in a hostel. The book is easy to read, each episode can be read like a different story and yet there is a continuity which is very endearing. A must read for the young to see how the times were 50 years ago, and a must read for the older people to identify the different episodes with their own experiences.