Life like description of places, people and situations. Nostalgic memories of pre-partition Punjab. Fascinating historical events. Engrossing and truthful expose of personal experiences. Engaging spititual snippets. Dil Mange More.
Pulkit Mahajan
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author.triloknath10 years, 5 months ago Verified Buyer
Re: Witness to a Wandering Mind
Life like description of places, people and situations. Nostalgic memories of pre-partition Punjab. Fascinating historical events. Engrossing and truthful expose of personal experiences. Engaging spititual snippets. Dil Mange More.
Re: Witness to a Wandering Mind
Life like description of places, people and situations. Nostalgic memories of pre-partition Punjab. Fascinating historical events. Engrossing and truthful expose of personal experiences. Engaging spititual snippets. Dil Mange More.
Pulkit Mahajan