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Land for Development

Understanding Free Prior Informed Consent
Vidya Bhushan Rawat
Type: Print Book
Genre: Social Science, Politics & Society
Language: English
Price: ₹675
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This book is about India and its land laws. The bone of contention was to remove the consent clause as it was becoming an 'obstacle' for those who wish to acquire people's land in the name of 'National Interest'. It is perhaps for the first time in India when we are documenting the issue of consent in such wider way. The aim of this compilation to make both policymakers, practitioners, activists, lawyers and academics to carry forward the issue in the greater interest of the people. Consent remains the most important part of democracy and all the land conflicts world over happens because of denial of it to those who get affected by a project hence it becomes essential for peacebuilding as well as strengthening democracy.
In 2007, the UN General Assembly adopted the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, recognizing their rights and making specific mention...

About the Author

Vidya Bhushan Rawat has been an activist writer who has closely seen and observed many struggles related to Land Rights in India, particularly in Uttar Pradesh. One of his case for the fair implementation of Land Ceiling Laws in Uttarakhand has become classical case of perseverance of an activist to get justice to people as it is over 20 years old. He founded Social Development Foundation in 1998 and focussed on building grassroot alliances and developing young leadership from the historically denied communities. It resulted in his deep association with the various communities in Uttar Pradesh and other parts of India and enriched his understanding of relationship between caste and land ownership. He is vocal on issues of the marginalised communities and dedicated for the cause of human rights and political dissent. His community work has been widely acknowledged. He has so far written 16 books in both Hindi...

Book Details

ISBN: 9788193471425
Publisher: People's Literature Publication OPC Pvt. Ltd.
Number of Pages: 196
Dimensions: 6"x9"
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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