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Learning to Importune in Prayer

Zacharias Tanee Fomum
Type: Print Book
Genre: Religion & Spirituality
Language: English
Price: ₹599 + shipping
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The Holy art of importunate praying and intercession.

The message in this book is an expression of the deep desire in the author's heart to have spiritual leaders who know the Holy art of importunate praying and intercession.

Importunity is the cry of a man in extreme danger. It is madly asking God to open a door through the wall of a situation—until the door is opened. Importunity has God's interest in view; it is taking no rest until God is moved to do that which He alone must do. He affirms that

when God gives you a number of problems to which man has no answers, then He has promoted you—He has given you materials for importunity praying.

God's purposes in the New Covenant are tied to the Spirit-filled life. Christian service also starts with this quality of life. He reiterates his heart's cry to see the leader strive to be Spirit-filled and press on to attain to the fullness of the Holy Spirit.

We send out this book with prayer that the Lord would use it to produce men and women of importunate praying—watchmen at the gates of Jerusalem.

About the Author

ZACHARIAS TANEE FOMUM is the bestselling author of more than 500 books with over 10 million copies in print. He founded Christian Missionary Fellowship International (CMFI), a missionary movement that has planted thousands of churches in more than 105 nations on all continents.

Zacharias was also a professor of Organic Chemistry with more than 160 publications in leading international journals. In 2005, his published scientific work was evaluated and found to be of high distinction, earning him the award of a Doctor of Science degree from the University of  Durham, Great Britain.

Prof. Fomum was married to Prisca and their seven children are actively involved with missionary and church planting work across the globe.

His books and the millions of people he influenced in more than 40 years of Christian ministry continue to impact the world with the Gospel today!

Book Details

ISBN: 9780463118061
Publisher: ZTF Books Online
Number of Pages: 192
Dimensions: 5.5"x8.5"
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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