Heartbreak:Story of Sita (A Throne in Exile Series)
She Sight Magazine December Edition
Remembering School Days Memories
From Page to King: A Journey Through Motivational Verses
कोविड-19 पैन्डेमिक या प्लांडेमिक, इंफोडेमिक और स्कैमडेमिक?: वैश्विक संकट का पर्दाफ़ाश
Echoes of Ancient Prayers: How God's Men Would Cry Out Today
The Science, Spirituality, and Symbology of the Shankha - शङ्ख
Gyanam (Knowledge, Information And Discovery)
ज्ञानम (ज्ञान, जानकारी एवं खोज)