Rukmini and the Turning of Time; The Dawn of an Era
Divine Rebirth: Ancient Deities in a Modern World
Divine Rebirth: Ancient Deities in a Modern World
The Bhagavad Gita - Commentary by Deepak Rao (Book One)
Dhyaan ke shaashvat siddhant (ध्यान के शाश्वत सिद्धांत )
From Bethlehem to the Himalayas: Jesus in Ancient Indian Texts
Attacks on Hinduism And its defence forever
Timeless Gītā Endless Bliss Volume 2 (Sarvaṃ Viṣṇumayaṃ Jagat)
Bhagavad Gita's Jnana Karma Sanyasa Yoga"
Self-inquiry in Bhagawad Gita Vol 2.
Self-inquiry in Bhagawad Gita Vol 2.
The Metaphor of The Hansa in the Upanishads
The Metaphor of The Hansa in the Upanishads