I must say it one of the best investments I've made. Your writing style is superb!!! I wish i could meet the guy who could have such great insights at such young age. Are we seeing a Deepak Chopra or Paolo Coelho in making
I really don't know who this young writer is,but sooner or later he is set to become a big name..I am left spellbound by his masterpiece, and mark my words, the world is going to be crazy after him one day.I would like to meet him as a person,before he gets his massive fan-following running!
i wont say any thing more about the book as already much has been said before me. i just want to tell you about the author who happens to be a good friend of mine. well i never thought he will write a book but well he did so cheers. and the topic he has chosen has been one of his favorites since boyhood so you can read the book without doubting its contents legitimacy. hope the book does well.