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The Great Wall Of Talitha

Letters From The Ancient Talitha
Aden Jay Christian
Type: Print Book
Genre: Literature & Fiction
Language: English
Price: ₹399 + shipping
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“When the bloom enters its seventh year, out of the tribe of fullness will come a daughter, and out of the tribe of hunger will come a son…and the wall shall collapse and Selita shall turn benevolent mother!” - Ancient Talithan Prophecy.

Talitha, the land of the green sun, surrounded by dark forests with deep secrets, stands divided by a mighty wall, separating the warring tribes of the Xolons and the Seros.

1999 years after the Great Wall, Brenton, a son of Xolon and Talitha, a daughter of Sero meet at Lake Selita - drawn together by the mermaid queen Malena, whose own life awaits the fulfilment of the ancient prophecy - and the cursed land springs back to life, setting in motion the forces of ancient revelation.

At the Wall, under the Lake, in the Forbidden Land and across the four corners, the land of Talitha prepares for an event that is set to occur at Ehretz, a planet ten galaxies away, that will forever change its future, and the future of its young lovers who are called on a dangerous mission to the distant planet –

A mission that will place their lives, their love and the silver cord that binds them on the altar of destiny…

A mission that will place them in the frontlines of a battle against Prince Tyrus, an invisible enemy that has been waging war on Talitha since her creation…

Book Details

ISBN: 9788192315355
Publisher: M4 Publishers
Number of Pages: 381
Dimensions: 5"x8"
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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