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Do Butt Clicks Count?

Amitabh Saikia
Type: Print Book
Genre: Business & Economics
Language: English
Price: ₹228 + shipping

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The unbelievable has happened….It is a post-Brexit, post-Trump world, and we are all living in it. These two major events have proved that not even the present day business prophets of the world can predict what the future holds. There is fierce competition, constantly evolving standards and regulations, unforseeable and variable sales periods, disruptive start-ups that are ready for anything because they have nothing to lose. And yet the one growing fixation that marketing still has is ROI.To the point that now “Justify ROI before you buy!”. As a senior B2B marketeer, I see this concerns and frustations on showing the best ROI. The only answer to this is move beyond ROI. This is Marketing 4.0. There are no loyal customers. There needs to be Plan A, Plan B and Plan C! Data and Insights are not enough, let us go back to the whiteboard.Start from the Vision..Wait! What...

About the Author

28 countries, 4 different industries, 12 product/service lines, 7 global teams- it has been quite a ride for Amitabh this past 10 years!

He has been the proverbial hands-on guy of marketing, the “Private” in the thick of action during a war. Amitabh has seen the global warming in marketing across the last decade, from the first days of internet marketing to experiential. The one fact he says from this decade of his life is the fundamental shift from book-based theory to real-time marketing. Let’s say from a Phillip Kotler to a Neil Patel. No rules apply here, and strategies need overnight tweaking!

Amitabh has derived today’s marketing as a science of uncertainty and an art of probability and turned to writing to pen down the learnings from the day-today life of a 2017 marketer.

An active blogger, this is his first attempt at long form writing where...

Book Details

ISBN: 9781549559181
Number of Pages: 158
Dimensions: 5.5"x8.5"
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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