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Software Project Management

Project manager's approach
Dr. Reddi Kiran Kumar, Dr. G.V. Bhanu Sai Prasad
Type: Print Book
Genre: Computers & Internet, Information Technology
Language: English
Price: ₹300 + shipping
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Software project management (project manager's approach), this book is for entry and mid-level project managers to understand how to engage the stake holders and team members to focus on continuous customer requirements and improve the design phase and deliver the products with enhanced quality. Authors gathered most of the information and converted to solutions to resolve the day-to-day queries of the project managers. Authored chapters details about the understanding of CMM practices controlling scope creep and understanding the merits and demerits of waterfall and Agile methodologies as well clear understanding of software projects success and failures.

About the Authors

Dr. Reddi Kiran Kumar working as Assistant professor in Department of Computer Science and having 22 years of experience in teaching and college administration. Dr. Kiran Kumar is holding multiple patents in AI and IOT. Dr. Kiran kumar authored almost 150 publications in Computer networks, algorithms and software engineering and project management.

Dr.G.V. Bhanu Sai Prasad, an engineering project manager holds 20 years of experience in managing multiple projects following waterfall and agile methodologies. He authored about 10-20 white papers in popular journals. Dr. Bhanu holds patent in the area of computer networks.

Book Details

ISBN: 9789361239472
Number of Pages: 122
Dimensions: 7"x9"
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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Software Project Management

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