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The Ice cubes

The Ice cubes

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1 Customer Review

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emerald2109 1 year, 8 months ago Verified Buyer

Relatable!! Innocent, Our Life, Truth !!

Relatable!! Innocent, Our Life, Truth !!

Simply put - Awesome!
Hard facts of life, while you read it, you can easily connects to most of it with yours. Very well described to relate it with Ice-cubes and how our life adapts to various situations and melts into it..
Love it!!!
Keep it up

Thank you so much for sharing the life events.
It really comes down to the fact that we cannot let go the past.

Please keep sharing your wonderful thoughts through your poetry and writings.

Somehow while reading, I thought, is this my life? That much I could relate to the events in the book.
Very glad to have spent my time reading it

Thank you!!