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Goal: Clean and Healthy India (eBook)

Type: e-book
Genre: Medicine & Science, Self-Improvement
Language: English
Price: ₹50
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Available Formats: PDF

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For several administrators and district functionaries, sanitation or toilet construction may not sound that glamourous! But, it is vital and important as human dignity, privacy and serious public health issues are involved. It was possible to do years back in Midnapore which is considered role model for sanitation movement not only in India but also in several developing countries. It is part of folklore now that girls used to refuse marriage proposals if toilets were not there at houses of in-laws! Village after village used to have welcome boards to clean villages.

Community Health Workers or Sasthya Sahayikas of West Midnapore was an initiative drawn from and sustained by the community. Prevention is better than cure, how often we say this! Sasthya Sahayikas in several villages proved that it was possible. The poor and vulnerable spend up to 30% of their hard earned income for treatment of many...

About the Author

Dr. M V Rao, an Indian Administrative Service officer, served as Director General, National Institute of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj (NIRD & PR) and Chief Executive, National Fisheries Development Board (NFDB). He also held assignments of District Magistrate of Malda and Midnapore districts of West Bengal. He was also Senior Consultant to UNICEF. He has been working for several years on innovative, practical and action-oriented ideas for participatory development of people at grass roots. His earlier publications include Rooted to The Ground: An Indian Civil Servant’s Field Notes (2015), Persistence and Change in Tribal India (2012) and Development for the People: Innovations in Administration (2002).

Book Details

Number of Pages: 147
Availability: Available for Download (e-book)

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