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Dictionary of 8-Letter Words: Words You Should Know (eBook)

Type: e-book
Genre: Education & Language, Exam Preparation
Language: English
Price: ₹59
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Available Formats: PDF, EPUB


Number of Pages: 107
Format: PDF
Dimensions: 8.5 inch x 11 inch
[Paper Size: Letter]

In this book, you will learn the meanings of 1400 useful 8-letter words. You will also find the names of the parts of speech they belong to. I have also given synonyms for most of these words. Sample this:

01 -- aberrant [adj.] -- unusual or socially unacceptable; departing from an accepted standard [synonyms: abnormal, deviant, nonstandard]
02 -- ablation [n.] -- the loss, removal or destruction of material from an object such as rock, iceberg, etc. through the action of the sun, rain, wind, etc.
03 -- abortive [adj.] -- (of an action) failing to produce the intended result [synonyms: failed, fruitless, unproductive, unsuccessful]
04 -- abrasion [n.] -- (a). a damaged area of sth such as skin or rock where it has been rubbed or scrapped against sth hard and rough | (b). the process of damaging the surface of sth such as rock or by friction or erosion
05 -- abridged [adj.] -- a shortened version of an ‘original text’ [synonyms: abbreviated, shortened]
06 -- abrogate [v.] -- to officially cancel or end sth such as a law, agreement, contract, decision, etc. and make them no longer valid [synonyms: repeal, revoke, rescind]
07 -- abruptly [adj.] -- (a). in an unpleasantly manner that is sudden, rapid or unexpected [synonyms: hastily, suddenly, unexpectedly] | (b). (related to the way of talking) in an unfriendly manner
08 -- abstruse [adj.] -- complicated and difficult to understand especially when could be explained in an easier way [synonyms: perplexing, puzzling]
09 -- accolade [n.] -- praise, recognition or an award for an artistic achievement [synonym: honor]
10 -- adhesion [n.] -- the ability, action or process to stick or become attached to a surface or object [synonyms: bond, linkage]
11 -- adultery [n.] -- physical relationship (intercourse) between a married person and sb who is not their spouse or partner [synonyms: infidelity, treachery]
12 -- aesthete [n.] -- a person who has a love, understanding, sensitivity and appreciation of works of art and beautiful things
13 -- affected [adj.] -- (of a person or their behavior) insincere, pretentious or unnatural
14 -- agitator [n.] -- a person who urges others to take part in a protest or rebel, especially a political one [synonyms: campaigner, dissenter, protestor]
15 -- allergic [adj.] -- (a). having an allergy to sth | (b). caused by allergy | (c). having an aversion to somebody/something
16 -- allusion [n.] -- a word or phrase that makes a reference to a specific person, event, place, etc. in an indirect way [synonym: insinuation]
17 -- allusive [adj.] -- containing a word or phrase that makes a reference to a specific person, event, place, etc. in an indirect way
18 -- almighty [adj.] -- (a). (in prayers) having ultimate power | (b). enormous or severe
19 -- anecdote [n.] -- (a). a short, funny or interesting account of a real person or event [synonym: tale] | (b). an unreliable personal account of an event especially [synonym: hearsay]
20 -- ardently [adv.] -- in a way that shows strong emotion or feeling such as love, fondness, etc. for somebody/something [synonyms: enthusiastically, passionately]
21 -- artfully [adv.] -- (a). in a manner that is clever or skillful but also cunning or dishonest | (b). (of things or actions) in a way that shows creative skill or taste
22 -- artifice [n.] -- the clever use of tricks to cheat or deceive sb [synonyms: deception, pretense] | (b). a skilled piece of workmanship
23 -- aspirant [adj.] -- a person who has a strong desire to be successful in a particular career or activity [synonym: contender]
24 -- aspiring [adj.] -- (a). directing your hopes, efforts, etc. towards a particular career or activity in order to become a specified type of person. [synonym: wannabe] | (b). wanting to be successful
25 -- audacity [n.] -- rude, shocking or disrespectful behavior [synonyms: cheek, daring, impudence, nerve]
26 -- augustly – in a manner that is respected, dignified and impressive [synonyms: imposingly, majestically]
27 -- aversion [n.] -- a strong feeling of dislike or hatred towards something [synonyms: repugnance, revulsion]
28 -- avowedly [adv.] -- in a manner that has been publicly admitted, declared, asserted or stated [synonym: confirmedly]

About the Author

Manik Joshi was born on January 26, 1979, at Ranikhet, a picturesque town in the Kumaon region of the Indian state of Uttarakhand. He is a permanent resident of the Sheeshmahal area of Kathgodam located in the city of Haldwani in the Kumaon region of Uttarakhand in India. He completed his schooling in four different schools. He is a science graduate in the ZBC -- zoology, botany, and chemistry -- subjects. He is also an MBA with a specialization in marketing. Additionally, he holds diplomas in “computer applications”, “multimedia and web-designing”, and “computer hardware and networking”. During his schooldays, he wanted to enter the field of medical science; however, after graduation, he shifted his focus to the field of management. After obtaining his MBA, he enrolled in a computer education center; he became so fascinated with working on the computer that he decided to develop his career in this field. Over the following years, he worked at some computer-related full-time jobs. Following that, he became interested in Internet Marketing, particularly in domaining (business of buying and selling domain names), web design (creating websites), and various other online jobs. However, later he shifted his focus solely to self-publishing. Manik is a nature-lover. He has always been fascinated by overcast skies. He is passionate about traveling and enjoys solo travel most of the time rather than traveling in groups. He is actually quite a loner who prefers to do his own thing. He likes to listen to music, particularly when he is working on the computer. Reading and writing are definitely his favorite pastimes, but he has no interest in sports. Manik has always dreamt of a prosperous life and prefers to live a life of luxury. He has a keen interest in politics because he believes it is politics that decides everything else. He feels a sense of gratification sharing his experiences and knowledge with the outside world. However, he is an introvert by nature and thus gives prominence to only a few people in his personal life. He is not a spiritual man, yet he actively seeks knowledge about the metaphysical world; he is particularly interested in learning about life beyond death. In addition to writing academic/informational text and fictional content, he also maintains a personal diary. He has always had a desire to stand out from the crowd. He does not believe in treading the beaten path and avoids copying someone else’s path to success. Two things he always refrains from are smoking and drinking; he is a teetotaler and very health-conscious. He usually wakes up before the sun rises. He starts his morning with meditation and exercise. Fitness is an integral and indispensable part of his life. He gets energized by solving complex problems. He loves himself the way he is and he loves the way he looks. He doesn’t believe in following fashion trends. He dresses according to what suits him and what he is comfortable in. He believes in taking calculated risks. His philosophy is to expect the best but prepare for the worst. According to him, you can’t succeed if you are unwilling to fail. For Manik, life is about learning from mistakes and figuring out how to move forward.

Book Details

Publisher: MANIK JOSHI
Number of Pages: 107
Availability: Available for Download (e-book)

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