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Do you think that NEWTON, EINSTEIN and others have unraveled all the <strong>mysteries of this universe</strong>? Of course, they have done a fine job. But there is still more!
Long ago, ARISTOTLE held: a moving body always requires some force to keep it moving. Later, NEWTON corrected him: once the body is set in motion, there is no need of any further force to keep it moving. Is this the final answer? No, there is yet another possibility: <strong>a body can move on its own</strong>. Can’t believe?
The new concept: <strong>All bodies are made up of particles of light</strong> and hence always remain in motion like light. Of course, we are all moving at speeds comparable to that of light. ‘Impossible!’ you may say. Just consider the following.
The moon is moving at a speed of 1km per second, the earth moves at a speed nearly 30 times of...
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