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The Battle of Cerulea Pentalogy

Shiv Badgujar
Type: Print Book
Genre: Children, Science Fiction & Fantasy
Language: English
Price: ₹499
Price: ₹499
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In 'The Battle of Cerulea Pentalogy' by SHIV BADGUJAR, Max and Tiño, two friends from an orphanage, get hold of an amazing place switcher gadget from an old guru. That’s when their series of adventures begin! The boys get transported from their everyday surroundings to faraway places via the blue, pink, and purple galaxy. From the mountain cave of Cerulea to infinite space, they move around and fight fearsome battles with dragons and aliens.

Can they slay the ferocious beasts they encounter? Do they find the precious Fire, Water, Earth, and Galaxy Stones? What happens to their friendship? Find the answers tucked away in the pages of this exciting series!

About the Author

Ten-year-old Shiv is not new to writing stories! Since he was much younger, he has been bringing to life his creative ideas in the form of short stories and accompanying illustrations! Using his impressive observation and storytelling skills to weave evocative tales and create relatable characters, Shiv is able to quickly form a connect with his young readers.

This pentalogy of friendship, adventure, travel, and nail-biting finishes bears testimony to his talent and efforts.

Shiv would love for his book to inspire young writers to express their creativity and hopes that their parents would be proud of their children’s artwork and display it no matter how it looks!

Book Details

ISBN: 9789334060249
Publisher: Amit Badgujar
Number of Pages: 80
Dimensions: 5"x8"
Interior Pages: Full Color
Binding: Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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