Just finished reading this book few days back - found it quite interesting and very much useful not only to HR professionals, but also to line managers. Personally for me, new learnings are AQ (Adversity Quotient), GSM of unhelpful feedback - Generalisation, Sensational & Meaningless, and InReGo of taking charge of one's career path - Insight, Reality check & Goals! THANK YOU, Vinod!!
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kreativekarma93 years, 8 months ago Verified Buyer
Quite interesting and very much useful!
Just finished reading this book few days back - found it quite interesting and very much useful not only to HR professionals, but also to line managers. Personally for me, new learnings are AQ (Adversity Quotient), GSM of unhelpful feedback - Generalisation, Sensational & Meaningless, and InReGo of taking charge of one's career path - Insight, Reality check & Goals! THANK YOU, Vinod!!
Quite interesting and very much useful!
Just finished reading this book few days back - found it quite interesting and very much useful not only to HR professionals, but also to line managers. Personally for me, new learnings are AQ (Adversity Quotient), GSM of unhelpful feedback - Generalisation, Sensational & Meaningless, and InReGo of taking charge of one's career path - Insight, Reality check & Goals! THANK YOU, Vinod!!