The Mother (India) and Her Diamonds
My Journey Through The West (Autobiography)
Creating Consensus: The Journey Towards Banning Cluster Munitions
Senior Citizens Abuse in India
Atal ji - Prasthanam అటల్ జీ - ప్రస్థానం
Essential Commodities for India
विशाल ज्ञान-विज्ञान - सबका समाधान
साहित्यिक संवेदनाएँ और कोरोना महामारी
सम्पूर्ण क्रान्ति - वेबसाइट मार्गदर्शन विवरणिका
Patriarchy: An Umbrella Of Feminism And Masculinity
Saffron Fascists: India's Hindu Nationalist Rulers
सम्पूर्ण क्रान्ति-अन्तिम कार्य योजना