Nakaam Lafz: Collected Poems | नाकाम लफ़्ज़: चुनिंदा कविताएं
शतदा हे प्रेम करावे (Shatada He Prem Karave)
Lo-Fi + Mashups: A Journey of Continuance
All I Want Is Your Happiness...
Oru Kaadhal Kadhai : ஒரு காதல் கதை (சிறுகதைத் தொகுப்பு)
MEAN GIRLS The Teenage Years - Book 2 - Bully Boy
MEAN GIRLS The Teenage Years - Book 1 - Hello High School
MEAN GIRLS The Teenage Years - Book 4 - The Party
MEAN GIRLS The Teenage Years - Book 3 - Trust
MEAN GIRLS The Teenage Years - Books 1, 2 & 3 - Books for Girls 12+