Secret of Getting Bigger (Muscle Hypertrophy)
All About Nutrition (Make your own Diet)
7 Secrets you need to know about CANCER
A Comprehensive Guide to Therapeutic Healing
Unani Dermatology: A Handbook for Hair, Nails, and Skin Diseases
Overcoming Smoking, Alcohol, and Drug Addiction
Guide to Home Remedies for Health and Wellness
Marma Points of Sushruta the foundation of Modern Kinesiology
मंत्रोपॅथी (मंत्र शक्ति से स्वास्थ्य समृद्धि)
Regimental Therapies: A Comprehensive MCQs Guide for Unani Medical Officer and PG NEET Exams
Ilaj Bil Tadbeer: The Regimental Therapies of Unani Medicine
अवसाद नि यंत्रण लेखकः डॉ. सैयद ई. ज़मानिक 1