Soami ji Maharaj Autobiography
Bhaktimayi Mahasati Ranabai Harnawa
Maharani Gyatri Devi: The Rebel Queen of India
"डॉ. बी.आर. अम्बेडकर: समानता के अग्रदूत
The Inspiring Journey of Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam"
"Dr. B.R. Ambedkar:Trailblazer of Equality"
The Legacy of Swami Vivekananda Book
Duniya ke mahan vaigyanik : samkshipt parichai
Biography of Yogiraj Sri Sri Shyama Charan Lahiri Mahasaya
Globetrotting...with a twist of life.
The Future Mission of NM (Inspired from the life of Nachimuthu Mahalingam)
Globetrotting with a Twist of Life
The Woman Beside Gandhi: A Biography of Kasturba, Wife of the Mahatma
Premamayi-Siddhayogini Sri Radhakrishna Mai Niguda Divya Charitamritam
Paramaguruvutho Sahajeevanam Volume-III
Paramaguruvutho Sahajeevanam (Volume-II)
Paramaguruvutho Sahajeevanam (Volume-I)