FRANCE and Sample Itinerary (with colour photograph)
Glimpses of Gujarat Visit: Sample Itinerary (with colour Photographs)
Budget Travel in Dubai and Sample Itinarary (with colour photographs)
Glimpses of Gujarat Visit: Sample Itinerary (with B & W photographs
FRANCE and Sample Itinerary: The Country of Love and Art
Budget Travel in Dubai and Sample itinerary
भारतीय उपमहाद्वीप में बौद्ध स्थल
Glimpses of Madhya Pradesh with Sample Itinerary
Guide to Buddhist Sites in the Indian Subcontinent
Switzerland: The Dream Destination: Budget Travel in Switzerland
Switzerland: The Dream Destination: Budget Travel in Switzerland
Glimpses of Uttarakhand with Sample Itinerary (Travelogue)
wonders untold:a photographic voyage of india's unbeatable treasures
Trapped in Darkness :A Friendship and Survival
An Explorer’s Notebook: Your Trip Diary
Farm Animals Coloring Book for Toddlers
Safarnama (Spiti - World Within a World)
Coorg: Land of Beauty and Valour