Selected essays on socially relevant issues
Eradicating Black Economy Globally? Prefer Less-Cash than Horrifying Cashless Economy
IGNOU Exam Sarathi For MPS-001: Political Theory (Book-I) For June 2022 & Dec 2022 Exam
DALITS OF HINDUISM - Dharma's fight for lost children
Human's World? Sorry, maybe in 1000yrs!
Is There Any Chance For The Human World To Look Like This?
The Position of Women in Indian Life
How America's Transformed India
Naaneke obba Hindu - ನಾನೇಕೆ ಒಬ್ಬ ಹಿಂದೂ
Paradoxes of the Drug War & Paradoxes of the Holocaust
কথাসাহিত্যে পেশাভিত্তিক পরিচয় ও কথনশৈলী : মানবাধিকার বনাম সামাজিক স্বীকৃতি
The Ancient Heroes of South Indian Peninsula